• Windows 10 update


Over at PCWorld, they take an in-depth look at some of the new features coming with Windows 10:

“Windows 10 is coming to the people. After kicking off Windows 10 with a bevy of business-friendly features, Microsoft drew back the curtain on the operating system’s new consumer-focused features at an event on Wednesday, while simultaneously driving home a vision of an operating system designed to deliver a singular, cohesive experience across a myriad of device types.

And it’ll be a free upgrade for Windows 7 and 8 users, who can snag the operating system for nada in the first year after Windows 10 hits the streets.”

Read the rest.  It’s a good overview of the exciting new changes that Windows 10 is going to provide.

• Cars & Technology

This is an interesting article from Forbes.com about automakers making technology much more of a priority in their cars:

“As automotive and consumer electronics technologies continue to converge, it is becoming clear that many of the same brands that were fighting for your desktop and your smartphone will soon be competing for your dashboard.  Along the way, consumer decision-making will evolve away from horsepower and mileage and toward technology.”

Read the rest here.

• Happy Holidays from the SNI Team


Happy Holidays from all of us here at Synergistic Networks!  Here’s some pictures of our Christmas decorations around the office!

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014 3


Christmas 2014 2