• Summertime in PA & Outdoor Apps


Summer has finally arrived here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and it seems like everyone wants to spend as much time outside as possible.  After that long, frigid winter, who wouldn’t want to!?  Tech Republic put together a list of 11 different apps to help you explore the outdoors.  Whether you love to hike, kayak, camp, or just wander around a few simple nature trails, there’s definitely an app for that.

And in the meantime, don’t forget that your network equipment like servers, routers, and firewalls are susceptible to the heat just like you. Make sure your equipment is in an area with temperature control, and if you’re unsure about that, give us a call!  We’re here to help your network function at its best.

• Microsoft’s Surface 3 Tablet


Are you looking to buy a tablet, but confused about all the different options that are now available?  Check out Microsoft’s new Surface 3 tablet, which is being touted as the thinner, lighter, and more affordable version of the Surface Pro.  Here are a few good reviews:

“On a purely hardware level, the Surface 3 is the fullest realization of Microsoft’s original Surface dream: a portable tablet that can do double-duty as a laptop.” – Engadget

“The Surface 3 is the first non-Pro Surface to get full-fat Windows 8.1, rather than Windows RT, which featured on the original Surface RT and Surface 2.” – Tech Radar

“Microsoft’s biggest advantage, of course, is price. With the Surface 3, you only need to buy one device. A cheaper Surface is a welcome thing, and if you’re looking for a single device that is useful every single second of the day, the Surface 3 is it. It’s an excellent execution of the Surface vision.” – Wired.com


• Infections of Cryptowall Malware on the Rise


Over the past few weeks, there’s been a rise in the malware infections known as Cryptowall 3.0.  This is a type of malware also referred to as ransomware: it causes files on your computer to be encrypted, and then the creators demand a ransom paid in Bitcoin for the decryption key.  You can get this virus through ads, compromised websites, or the good old ’email with a link or attachment in it’ trick.  Cryptowall is a sophisticated program and we ask all our clients to call us right away if you start seeing any type of malicious activity on your computer.  We also encourage you to have a steady backup routine.  Daily backups of your data will help control the damage done if someone on your network does contract the virus.  As a licensed Trend Micro reseller, we would be more than happy to help you get your company’s antivirus software up-to-date.  We want you to have a secure and productive network!

Here’s an article from PCWorld about the latest version of Cryptowall:

“The biggest ransomware threat for Windows users is CryptoWall, a sophisticated malware program that encrypts a wide range of files and demands that victims pay a ransom in Bitcoin cryptocurrency to recover them.

CryptoWall uses uncrackable encryption algorithms and hides its control servers on the Tor and I2P anonymity networks, making it harder for security researchers and law enforcement to shut them down.”

“Drive-by download attacks are launched from compromised websites or through malicious ads and usually exploit vulnerabilities in browser plug-ins like Flash Player, Java, Adobe Reader or Silverlight.”

For information on antivirus licensing, data backup programs, or any network security questions, feel free to give us a call at 570-408-9888 or email us at sales@sniconsulting.com!